I’m proud and honoured to have been nominated to the NSW Asset Management & Sustainable Development Committee of the Property Council of Australia. I’m looking forward to working with the committee to advance sustainable development practices across the market.
Dean Willemsen, Director.
Prime Build Annual Summit 2016
Our annual Victorian & NSW summits were a huge success with great participation from all. With over 120 supply partners in attendance across both states, we had a series of presentations with the key focus on safety and delighting our customer, as well as special guests AFL legend Nathan Burke and NRL legend Braith Anasta talking us through the trials and tribulation of team work, sharing insightful stories from their illustrious careers.
Thank you for all that made the days such fun, we look forward to working together safer, as we aim to ‘delight each other’ in 2017!
Dean Willemsen shares how DNW Group is bringing innovation to the property and care industries
DNW Group is committed to making a positive impact by bringing innovation to the property and care industries. As a young entrepreneur making his mark on the business world, DNW Group CEO Dean Willemsen is the first to admit his journey has been a learn-as-you-go experience. But with his infectious personality and commitment to making a difference to the community at large, the 30-year-old is making waves in the property and care sectors…
Prime Build has been announced as a BRW fastest growing company for the second consecutive year
Following our 4th placing in FY14, Prime Build has cemented our position in the BRW Fast 100 list of Australia’s fastest growing companies, placing 15th with 125.6% growth for the 2015 financial year.
Our success is a result of our incredibly dedicated and hard-working team who continually strive to achieve the best possible service for our customers.
Prime Build NSW Safety Summit.
The inaugural Prime Build NSW Safety Summit held on Friday 15th May.
With over 85 attendees the day saw Prime Build and our valued
Sub-Contractors come together as one team.