Prime Build awarded Target to Kmart National Conversion Rollout

Prime Build are honoured to have been appointed as the lead Principal Contractor to support Wesfarmers strategy to convert a number of Target stores into Kmart’s across Australia.

The program will run over the next 12 months, requiring over 2,000 trade & support personnel to deliver a vibrant new Kmart store for customers & staff alike to enjoy! ⠀

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Virtual Tour of the Coles New Town store in TAS

Prime Builders thinking outside the box! By using semi-immersive VR technology, we can take a virtual tour through the 3D model of the new look Coles New Town store down in Tasmania!

As we were faced with challenging restrictions during this project’s programme, this 3D modelling of the store provided the project team with accurate and high-level detail of the entire floor plan to allow us to collaborate virtually with all remote stakeholders to ensure a seamless delivery.

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R U OK Day

Today our Prime Builders will take time out to recognise R U OK Day & focus on the mental health & wellbeing of our team & those in our industry. We know that workers in construction typically suffer poorer mental health outcomes than the national average. With the added pressure of COVID-19, many are feeling additional stressors like increased financial strain, anxiety or social isolation.

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