Prime Build Win Multiple Aldi Contracts

In December 2014, Prime Build were awarded three Aldi Supermarket store extensions which commenced in the first week of January.



Completed Aldi Project

With each store having a range of individual hurdles and an extensive scope, Prime Build’s dedicated team successfully completed works within the three month program, allowing Aldi to benefit from the elevated trade during the Easter period.

Our team have shown throughout the entire program that nothing is a hassle to deliver a project to our client with 100% satisfaction.

View Aldi Canterbury Project Click Here


Prime Build wins Kmart Supplier of the Year 2014

Prime Build has won the inaugural Kmart Supplier of the Year award for 2014.



Amongst tough and well established competition, it was once again our innovative, energetic and fresh approach to retail construction and refurbishment that led Australia’s most profitable non-food retailer to present Prime Build with the top award on the night.

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Prime Build win MYER Supplier of the Year 2014

Prime Build have been awarded ‘Best Building Services Provider’ at the MYER Supplier of the Year Awards held last Friday night at the Crown Palladium in Melbourne.



The gala event was attended by over 1000 people including MYER CEO Bernie Brookes, current face of MYER Jennifer Hawkins and entertainer Guy Sebastian.

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Prime Build joins BRW Fastest Growing Companies in Australia

Prime Build has been announced as a BRW Fast 100 company and overall is ranked fourth on the 2014 list of BRW fastest growing companies in Australia.


“We are of course very excited about BRW’s recognition of our achievement. We are a young company and every single team member works extremely hard to deliver the best possible service to all our customers, irrespective of project size. We know there are many challenges ahead and we have confidence that what we’ve put into place in our business philosophy, systems, practices and people will see us continue to mature” – a statement from Prime Build’s Team.

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Aldi Contract Award

Prime Build has been successful in its bid to secure the contract for the new Aldi Supermarket in Miller, in Sydney’s South West.

Our team look forward to the challenge of working with a new client and greatly appreciate the opportunity to assist Aldi in delivering its latest store to the local community of Miller.