ALDI Refresh Supply Partners Meet & Greet

Recently we held a meet and greet with Prime Build, our Trade Partners and ALDI Direct contractors prior to kicking off the 2019 ALDI Refresh Program in QLD. We had a great turnout from 11 different companies to discuss safety, programming, resourcing and working better together.

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Coles Wangarratta Launch Day

This week we completed the reset works at Coles Wangaratta and officially opened on 14th November and the store was looking fantastic. Our scope included a brand new deli, front end, bakery, refrigeration and painting throughout.

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Prime Build Summit 2018

Last month, Prime Build and our supply partners and clients joined for the annual Summit held in VIC and NSW.  

This year’s summit included 4 interactive stalls on the topics; Working in Retail, Safety, Site Life and Supplier Relationships. We celebrated another fantastic year of working together and gathered great insight to how we can collaborate to continue to take the retail construction industry by storm!

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